Grown Up Eggs

My Saturday morning routine usually consists of coffee, sushi, and murder.

(Usually Grimm. But sometimes, I switch it up with The Mentalist.)

On the weekends that I didn’t happen to stop by my friendly neighborhood sushi place, I eat eggs.

Scrambled eggs.

Cheesy scrambled eggs.

With lots of cheese.

Like a little kid.

Occasionally, when I have a lot of time, or when I feel the need to remind myself that I’m old enough to pay taxes and own a car, I’ll make poached eggs on toast with shaved parmesan and roasted asparagus. Or, as I like to call it: “Grown Up Eggs.”

Grown Up Eggs

There isn’t even a real recipe for this. It’s just one of those things that you throw together.

I happened to have a good loaf of bread from the bakery, but sometimes I just used the regular sliced stuff.

Also, I’m new to the poached egg scene (I used to make this with soft boiled eggs instead), so I’m not going to give a tutorial, but you can find a good one here.

The element that really makes this dish is the parmesan. Get the real stuff, not the can. Use a vegetable peeler to shave off short pieces. Parmesan is salty, so you won’t need much salt on the finished dish.

Grown Up Eggs
2 poached eggs
Roasted Asparagus
1 thick slice of bread
Shaved Parmesan
Salt and Pepper

Poach two eggs and set on paper towels to drain. Toast the bread and shave the parmesan. Layer toast, asparagus, parmesan, and eggs. Salt and pepper to taste. Ponder your mortality.